Dear BioMedVis Researchers, This is to let you know that submissions for this year's "Karl-Heinz-Höhne Award for Visualization in Medicine" (in short MedVis-Award) will be due on June, 16th 2023. The price will be awarded by the working group “Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine” of the German society for computer science (“Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI”) during the annual Meeting on 7-8 September 2023, in Rostock, Sweden ( Please submit innovative results focusing on visual computing or user interaction with a clear benefit for medical diagnosis, planning, education, assistance in therapy, or for any general improvement of understanding in medical research. Please find further information and submission details here: Applicants should not have defended their doctoral thesis before the submission deadline. Students or graduates with a diploma/master or even an outstanding bachelor thesis, completed after the previous MedVis Award submission deadline two years ago, or with up to two publications (published or to be reviewed) from the field of medical visualization are also invited to submit their work. Please forward this email and also remind or even encourage your colleagues or students to participate! With best regards, Timo Ropinski & Anja Hennemuth (medvis-award 2023 co-chairs) -- Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski Visual Computing Group | Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University email: | room: O27/3208 address: James-Franck-Ring | 89081 Ulm | Germany phone: +49 (0)731 / 50-24200 | +49 (0)731 / 50-31321 (secr.) fax: +49 (0)731 / 50-31302